Fingerprinting can be a common practice for many government agencies as it is a strong way to confirm identities and essentially supplement our security. Agencies like the DMV, DOJ, and local law enforcement units need these prints to provide better services to their constituents.
Providing live scans in Los Angeles has taught us that this process can be more favorable compared to traditional modes of collecting fingerprints such as ink fingerprinting. Why should organizations make use of this wonderful technology?
- Clarity
Fingerprints need to be clear as day. Otherwise, they are useless. You face the risk of smudging and smearing when you use ink fingerprinting. These smudges can easily affect the accuracy of the prints. Through Live Scan, your prints are taken electronically, making them clearer. - Speedy
Because your prints are in digital format, they can be transmitted to data repositories safely and quickly. These prints become available for government agencies to use. This speediness can be convenient for every agency. - Fewer Errors
Live Scan also boosts efficiency in the operations of government agencies that use these prints since there is a smaller risk of committing errors. Electronic captures make transmissions quick and the prints can be more accurate.
Here at ISALRO, we can make fingerprint collection easier and more convenient for your every need. Our live scan services in Lawndale, California, are here for your every need.
Also, if you need a notary public for your documents, you can come to us. Feel free to reach out to us to learn more about our full range of services!
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